Why Does A Website Get Hacked? And How To Prevent It From Happening To You


In today’s digital age, a website isn’t simply a portal for showcasing products or services; it is an extension of your brand’s identity. So, when a website gets hacked, it doesn’t just disrupt operations; it also shakes the confidence of your customers and stakeholders.

But why does a website get hacked in the first place?

How Do Hackers Compromise Websites?

Generally, hackers seek out easy targets—sites with obvious vulnerabilities. Here are a few ways cybercriminals can access your data.

  • Easily hacked ports make tempting targets for cybercriminals.
  • Unknown assets– too often companies leave vulnerable assets unprotected simply because they didn’t know they owned them.
  • Vulnerability management is overwhelmed by the number of new websites entering the Internet and can’t adequately protect all of them.
  • Inadequacies in Data Application Security Testing can leave entry points unguarded.
  • Severe backlogs can slow the rate at which sites are reviewed and scanned for security issues, leaving gaps in protection.
  • Budgetary issues can delay timely scanning of websites or onboarding of needed cybersecurity protocols.
  • Delays in DAST and Website Application Firewall integration can leave gaps in protection.
What Do Hackers Want?

So now we know how cybercriminals hack a website. What do they want? Here are a few prime targets and motivations for hackers.

  • Stealing sensitive data: Websites often store personal data such as customer email addresses, passwords, credit card information, etc. Hackers can steal this data and use it for illegal activities, often before you know you’ve been hacked.
  • Defacement: Sometimes, hackers might deface your website by altering its content or layout, often with malicious intent. Website defacement is a form of digital vandalism that can harm your brand’s reputation.
  • Spreading malware: Today’s sophisticated cybercriminals can use your website as a platform to spread harmful software or viruses without your knowledge.
  • Hijacking your server: Hackers can use your server resources for their purposes, like sending spam emails or mining cryptocurrencies.
Is Hacking Profitable?

Sadly, yes. Even a small website can generate a substantial amount of money. Cybercriminals and web hackers can make money with your compromised website by distributing malware, SEO spam, and even using your site as a launching pad for further attacks.

What Are the Top Threats to Cybersecurity?

Today’s cybercriminals are often looking for more than a single “smash and grab.” Often, they’ll compromise a legitimate site to generate further revenue. Here are a few examples.

  • Phishing Scams: Often it is easier for a criminal to convince you to volunteer sensitive information than it would be to hack into your system. Phishing scams use communications from seemingly respected sources to try to gain access to your passwords, account numbers, etc. Ever receive an email from a recognized user like eBay or a credit card company, but something seems a little off? Many of these emails claim that action is required on your account and prompt you to log in to a site they provide. If you take the bait, the criminals take your data.
  • Ransomware: Even more insidious are ransomware scams, in which a hacker gains access to your sensitive information, locks it down where you cannot access it, then offers to sell it back to you for an exorbitant price. Ransomware attacks accounted for $20B in losses worldwide, and that does not include money lost to network reboots and data recovery.
  • Malware: Malware can take many forms, with some designed to extract sensitive information and others designed simply to wreak havoc with your system. Malware attacks can leave behind viruses that can slow or cripple your computer’s ability to function.
How You Can Stop Hackers in Their Tracks

To prevent your website from falling victim to criminal cyberattacks, it’s recommended that you take several precautions. Here are some tactics companies are using to make their websites hack-resistant.

  • Keep your software up-to-date: This includes the operating system, server software, content management system (CMS), and any plugins or themes you are using.
  • Use strong, unique passwords: A strong password is your first line of defense against hacking attempts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like “password123”. Also, change your passwords regularly.
  • Implement security measures: Consider using a web application firewall (WAF) to protect your website from common attacks. Install security plugins to enhance your website’s defense.
  • Backup your data often: Regular backups ensure that in the event of a hack, you can restore your website to a previous state without significant loss of data.
  • Educate your team: If multiple people have access to your website, ensure they are aware of basic website security practices.

Protecting your website from hackers is not a one-time effort but a continuous process. Stay vigilant, stay updated, and stay safe.

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